BNR Leadership

Helping Forward-Thinking Leaders Create Engaged School Communities


BNR Leadership provides research-based, classroom-proven training that guides whole schools into alignment of pedagogy, values and practice.

Our guiding principle is to create cultures of belonging that enable staff and students to engage, progress and achieve their true learning and leadership potential.

What We Do

A whole-school approach to pedagogy and culture

We know that maintaining organisational change is difficult – all too often, our best intentions fade away and old patterns resume.

Our goal is to enable schools to sustain pedagogical and cultural change well into the future; our whole-school approach is what makes us different from most education consultancies in Australia. We use our expertise to guide you through the whole-school development process, from pedagogy and peer-coaching, to policy and practicalities.

Align school values, practice and pedagogy

We collaborate with your school leaders, teachers and community to co-design professional standards and policies that align with school values and goals.

Build a unique, orderly and healthy teaching framework that is flexible and can be implemented daily by your teachers.


  • Implement best-practice pedagogy and behavioural engagement school-wide.
  • Reduce the variation in teaching practice between emerging and advanced teachers.
  • Provide flexibility for phase of learning and learning area differences.
  • Promote mastery learning, creating time and space for innovative, deep learning to emerge in the classroom.

Teacher training in effective student engagement

We blend pedagogy with behavioural engagement for the best possible outcome – students who feel they belong in class and who want to engage with learning.

We translate the latest research into best practice, and train teachers how to deal with complex classroom dynamics in a refined, inclusive and beneficial way.


  • Give teachers the tools they need to reduce off-task behaviour and increase student engagement.
  • Grow teachers’ ability to help students belong, engage, progress and achieve at their true potential.
  • Confidently employ research-based methods that have been proven in the classroom.

Peer-coaching and Leadership support

We know how to implement long-term organisational change, and we make it our business to properly train a school leadership team to sustain it without need of external support.


This includes setting up a peer-coaching system – staff who know how to support each other well contribute to lasting cultural change and a high-performing place of learning. 

  • Establish a strong peer-coaching system that underpins whole-school improvement.
  • Receive ongoing guidance and coaching as pedagogical change takes place.
  • Be equipped to navigate successful whole-school improvement well beyond term of contract.
“This has been the best professional development that I have been involved in during my 20 years in education. BNR Leadership has challenged me to develop greater skills and awareness in relation to my teaching and leadership roles. BNR leadership programs are based on extensive research and best practice. The sessions are practical in nature and enable every educator to maximise students’ engagement.

I have been impressed with the level of professionalism and continued support that Brad has to offer. The way that our staff have embraced the process speaks volumes regarding this professional learning opportunity.”

Paul Cousins

Deputy Principal

Bethel Christian School

Our Services


All programs and workshops are targeted to the specific needs and aims of your school.

Whole School Review

A snapshot of your school’s policies, procedures, and practices relating to pedagogy, behavioural engagement and culture.

We highlight potential issues and draw up a plan to address them through training, mentoring and collaboration.

Core Program: Behavioural Engagement

Teachers are trained and coached to respond effectively to student disengagement while fostering a sense of belonging and active engagement in the classroom.

Off-task and at-risk behaviour are explained using the latest classroom research, and teachers are given tools to resolve classroom difficulty while maintaining the trust of students and enhancing their capacity to engage meaningfully.

Instructional Practices

Takes classroom engagement to the next level, providing teachers with a teaching scaffold that elevates student engagement, progression, wellbeing and achievement.

We cover teaching methods that accelerate student learning of concepts and skills, while providing space for the development of critical and creative thinking.

Creativity and innovation will help teachers rediscover their love for learning and education.

Peer Coaching and Trainer Accreditation

Peer coaching is essential to the success of the whole-school development process, so we train staff to implement a durable peer-coaching and reflection system.

Teachers will learn how to coach their colleagues in behavioural engagement and pedagogical practices, and how to professionally present this training to staff at induction or in ongoing development.

Whole School 101 & 102

A multi-day workshop dedicated to critically analysing your school’s beliefs and values, and developing whole-school behavioural engagement and instructional practices.

The outcome is whole-school unity regarding behavioural engagement and pedagogy.

As a collective, we will have produced a framework to enhance professional practice, reduce variation in standards, and accelerate student wellbeing and achievement.



BNR - Consult

Whole school review

BNR - Consult

Train teachers in behavioural engagement and pedagogy

BNR - Consult

Develop whole-school approach

BNR - Consult

Train coaches in peer support

BNR - Consult

Transition to school-based ownership

“Our school was looking for behaviour management skills that could be taught to teachers and work right across the years from K-12. Brad’s training gave me the confidence to deal with all kinds of student behaviour in the classroom in a calm and assured manner that seeks to de-escalate a problem or intervene before a problem develops.

I now enjoy my class more and would wholeheartedly recommend BNR Dynamics!”

Joe Kennedy

Primary class teacher

About Us

Our mission is to foster healthy and productive learning communities where staff and students are heard and involved every step of the way.

We do it by building cultures of belonging where everyone can engage, progress and achieve.

Brad Raynor


Brad is a trainer and coach who specialises in whole-school belonging, behavioural engagement, behaviour response and pedagogy. He has led in public schools and Not-for-Profit (NFP) organisations for over 25 years, training over 4000 teachers and peer coaches across WA to better support their learning communities.

More than 30 schools have embarked on a collaborative path with Brad to develop their own pedagogical approach and improve whole-school literacy, critical thinking and creative projects. He also works with multimillion-dollar NFP organisations and businesses across WA to develop high-performing teams and effective leadership.

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Brad has been a behaviour management consultant and pedagogical coach to the Education Department, a Deputy Principal, and Principal. As Executive Officer for Alta-1 College and Alta-1 Group, he used his expertise in student engagement and organisational structure to serve in a CARE school setting.

Brad and his family have been to Africa multiple times, where they helped develop leadership and educational training for schools, and where his wife established health clinics for families in Zambia. Many of Brad’s projects focus on aligning belief and values with organisational culture and outcomes.

Brad is grateful to have received training and mentorship from Professor Barrie Bennett, Professor Peter Smilanich, Dr Brian Hill, Dr Lorraine Hammond and John Fleming.

He is currently undertaking a Masters by research, focusing on belonging and engagement in schools in WA.

Our Values


Everyone is welcome at BNR Leadership. We all need and want to belong emotionally, socially, professionally and spiritually. We accept you as you are, and desire the same in return knowing we can work together for a better world.

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We foster active participation and presence in all that we do and encourage others to engage in their professional and personal journey.

Steward Leadership

We give what we have to benefit others – sharing our knowledge, skills, energy and time for the good of people and schools as a whole. Good stewardship empowers those around us to feel they belong, learn collaboratively, and actively engage in community.

Evidence & data-driven practice

We employ and develop research-based, data-driven practices put to the test throughout Western Australian schools. Change? We’re always open to it when the evidence indicates that there could be a better way.

Lifelong Learning

Learning and education is a continuous thread in our life journey and is deeply embedded in what we know, what we do and how we feel. We use this understanding in our work.

Our World View

BNR Leadership operates from a Christian world view – for more information on how this influences our organisational values, approach, and educational outlook, please contact us. Our services are open to all organisations and educational institutions.


What our clients say

“I have learnt so much from the BNR course. After 14 years in teaching, hearing Brad’s ideas and strategies for student belonging and engagement put words to what I’d always felt. I now feel equipped to make the ideas a reality in my classroom. I found his classroom management strategies to be highly effective with the students I teach and am enjoying seeing the positive impact of these in my classroom.

Brad is a supportive coach, who encourages me and draws out the best in my teaching practice. This will be one of the most encouraging and practical professional learning you will ever do, an absolute essential for any teacher who wants to grow in confidence and improve student engagement in their classroom.”

Maree Widdison

HASS Teacher 6-12

“I have had the privilege of being trained, mentored, and coached by Brad in the BNR Core Instructional Skills program, as well as in the program for developing coaches within schools. Brad is passionate, knowledgeable, and invested in all things education. He employs a wealth of experience in both the private and public sector to inform his training days. He is an engaging presenter, an approachable and personable mentor, and a great encourager of local schools.

The BNR program’s core skills framework is informed by current research, relevant to the everyday classroom and easy to understand and apply. As a teacher, you want your students to meaningfully engage with learning, form a positive community and feel as though they belong – all of these aims are at the very heart of the BNR framework. It has been a very enjoyable and meaningful program to be a part of and I am looking forward to seeing the long-term positive impact the program has on my own classroom, as well as in our wider school community.”

Liam Wesson

Science Teacher

“Brad and the team at BNR are an essential addition to any business no matter how large or small. Brads’ vast experience enables him to lead business leaders on how to develop a positive direction and a healthy work culture.”

Dr Kirsty Black

B.Sc. Chiro, B.Chiro (Hons), ChiroPaeds
Sports Trainer

“Brad’s approach goes much further than just an understanding of concepts. There are specific skills and new habits that are taught and practiced, that change and mould a culture through the development of a sense of belonging. We are still at the beginning of our Journey but I can see and feel the change happening.

Thanks Brad”

Dave Musarra



“This has been the best professional development that I have been involved in during my 20 years in education. BNR Leadership has challenged me to develop greater skills and awareness in relation to my teaching and leadership roles. BNR leadership programs are based on extensive research and best practice. The sessions are practical in nature and enable every educator to maximise students’ engagement.

I have been impressed with the level of professionalism and continued support that Brad has to offer. The way that our staff have embraced the process speaks volumes regarding this professional learning opportunity.”

Paul Cousins

Deputy Principal

Bethel Christian School

“Our school was looking for behaviour management skills that could be taught to teachers and work right across the years from K-12. Brad’s training gave me the confidence to deal with all kinds of student behaviour in the classroom in a calm and assured manner that seeks to de-escalate a problem or intervene before a problem develops.

I now enjoy my class more and would wholeheartedly recommend BNR Dynamics!”

Joe Kennedy

Primary class teacher

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BNR Leadership